Step 1: Open the 'Products' section in Settings (represented by a gear icon).
Step 2: Click on 'Add product'.
Step 3: Fill in the required fields for the main product:
- Number (Required): Product number
- Name (Required): Product name
- Ingress: Short product description, typically displayed on the product card
- Description: Detailed product description
- Categories: Assign categories to the product (at least one category is required, but multiple can be added)
Step 4: Add product variants by clicking the 'Add' button in the 'Variants' section. At least one variant is required, but multiple can be added.
- Name (Required): Variant name
- Number (Required): Variant number (SKU)
- Ingress: Short variant description
- Description: Detailed variant description
- Pictures: Add product images (multiple images can be uploaded at once)
- Status: Product status (active/inactive)
- Units in stock: Product inventory count
Step 5: Add product attributes in the 'Options' tab
- Size: Product size
- Color: Product color
- Unit: Product weight
Step 6: Add product pricing in the 'Prices' tab
- Unit price: Selling price of the product
- Discount: Discounted price (default is 0)
Step 7: Add physical attributes in the 'Weight/Dimensions' tab
- Weight: Product weight
- Width: Product width
- Height: Product height
- Length: Product length
Step 8: Add SEO attributes in the 'Meta' tab
- Title: Product title
- Description: Product description
Step 9: Add related products in the 'Related' tab
- Add a list of related products by entering the product numbers of related items.